Pranayam Certification Course


Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar

Special Offer:
Original Price: $190 | ₹ 15,000  
Discounted Price: $65 | ₹5100

Course Details:
 Dates: 6th, 7th & 13th April, 2024
 Time: 5:30 PM TO 7:30 PM IST
Platform: Online via ZOOM - Experience transformation from your home's comfort!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Embrace the Transformative Power of Breath
Discover the art of Pranayama, an ancient yogic discipline that harnesses the power of your breath to energise both body and mind. 'Pran' signifies the vital life force, and 'ayama' represents control or extension. This course is carefully crafted to guide yoga practitioners towards mastery, offering a profound understanding of breath control techniques.
The Essence of Pranayama:
Our breath is the cornerstone of life and well-being. This course unravels the science behind yogic breathing, featuring 15 methodologies to revitalise your physical, mental, and emotional health. Under the guidance of Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar Ji, immerse yourself in the transformative world of Pranayama.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama is a dynamic yogic breathing technique that invigorates both the body and mind. It also improves digestion for overall well-being.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Anulom Vilom Pranayama, often called Alternate Nostril Breathing, is a nuanced yogic breathing practice renowned for its balancing and calming effects. It also enhances focus and optimises respiratory function.

Kapal Bhati Pranayama

 Kapal Bhati is an ancient pranayama practice that unveils the secrets to holistic well-being. Translating to "Skull Shining Breath," Kapal Bhati is not just a breathing exercise; it's a journey to vitality, clarity, and self-discovery. It is known to invigorate the skin's radiance and assist in weight management.

Surya Nadi Shodhan

Surya Nadi Shodhan is a venerable yogic practice designed to harmonise life force energy and energise the body by cleansing the solar nerve channel.

Chandra Nadi Shodhan

Chandra Nadi Shodhan is a pranayama practice intricately linked with the moon. This channel embodies qualities of calmness, coolness, and receptivity. The technique promotes relaxation by balancing lunar energy.

Surya Bhedi Pranayama

Surya Bhedi Pranayama, also known as the "Solar Channel Piercing" breath, is a potent yogic technique that involves breathing exclusively through the right nostril. It stimulates logical thinking and revitalises the body by activating solar energy.

Chandra Bhedi Pranayama

Chandra Bhedi Pranayama is a pranayama technique where you primarily breathe through the left nostril. This practice is believed to activate the body's lunar energy, promoting relaxation and calmness. It's often practiced in the evening to help unwind and prepare for sleep.

Dwi Khand Pranayama

Khand Pranayama, translating to "Divided Breath," is a nuanced yogic breathing practice where practitioners intentionally divide their inhalation into two distinct parts. Doing so boosts physical stamina

Murcha Pranayama

Murcha Pranayama, which means unconscious breath control, is known to bring a sense of euphoria. It also enhances cognitive function.

Shitli Pranayama

Shirali Pranayama is a cooling breath technique in yoga where you curl the sides of your tongue to form a circle and inhale through it. This practice is believed to cool the body, calm the mind, and reduce stress. It's particularly beneficial during hot weather or when experiencing feelings of agitation or heat in the body.

Karn Rogantak Pranayama

Karn Rogantak translates to 'end of ear diseases'. As the name suggests, this pranayama provides relief for various ear conditions.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayama, often referred to as "Victorious Breath"is a breathing technique where you narrow the back of your throat slightly as you breathe in and out through your nose. This creates a soft, whispering sound, similar to the sound of ocean waves. Ujjayi Pranayama is known to enhance concentration, calm the mind, and build internal heat in the body during yoga practice.

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama, commonly known as the Humming Bee Breath, is a calming and meditative yogic breathing technique that effectively manages insomnia and promotes restful sleep.

Udgeet Pranayama

Udgeeth Pranayama, a profound breathing technique, centres on the resonant sound and vibrations of the sacred Om or Aum mantra.. By incorporating the Om mantra into each breath, practitioners are enveloped in a soothing vibrational energy that promotes mental tranquillity.

Om Naad Pranayama

Om Naad Pranayama is a pranayama technique that involves chanting the sound "Om" during exhalation. This practice is believed to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, promoting a sense of peace, balance, and connection. It's often done as part of meditation or mindfulness practice. The vibration helps to cultivate inner peace
Who Should Join?
  • Anyone seeking holistic health through effective breathing techniques.
  • Yoga practitioners aiming to deepen their yogic knowledge.
  • Individuals aspiring to nourish their mind and body through breath.
  • ​Yoga and sports enthusiasts looking for expert-led, step-by-step guidance.
Course Takeaways:
  • Mentorship from Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar Ji.
  • Engaging Q&A sessions.
  • Participation Certification upon completion.
  • ​3-month access to session recordings.
Begin Your Pranayama Journey:
  • Discover the art of mindfulness and focused attention.
  • Harness your inner power.
  • Achieve clarity​
  • Enhance emotional balance. 
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